Behealthy's Goals for 2012: Update

Last Update: April 29, 2012

Ok, I know I mentioned that I will update my forum post in my original goals for 2012 post but I think it's better to use the blogging platform for this. I like writing things down on my pieces of paper or note book because laying out my tasks that way helps me to focus. I find I am more productive that way also.

I wrote down a list of goals etc I would like to achieve this year in a blog, and as long as I keep on keeping on then there is no reason why I should not be where I want to be.

I am keeping a record here for my own motivation and to motivate others who may find this a motivational addition.

I admit I can be stubborn sometimes and I find myself wanting to do things solo but I am in the process of giving that attitude a kicking, I have to keep reminding myself it takes more than one finger to open a door, if you understand that analogy :)


*Today I created some images for my health website.

*I edited some articles ready to go but I want to have at least ten to start off with to go live.

*I created a fan page for the new wealthy affiliate OEP - I see lots of potential and will use other methods of promotion.

*Bought a few domains for the beginning and after event of OEP.

*Wrote a rough copy for my new OEP website


*Think about some other ways of promoting and getting traffic for OEP

*Create a twitter for OEP

*Finalize my copy for my OEP website and update settings and widgets

*Create one or two grahics and or purchase some

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