About BenT
Joined December 2009
Yeah, it's me.
BenT's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Study and work hard. Research is everything in this business. John
BenT Premium
Hi John. Thanks for the welcome. Might have to take you up on your PM invite. In fact, I think I'll do that right now.
M-skeezy Premium
Hey, welcome to WA and good luck :o)
BenT Premium
Thank you, and good luck to you as well. :)
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well i your endeavors and in the upcoming holidays and new year. If you need any assistance I will be more than willing to be the go to guy.
Brian from Oregon.
BenT Premium
Thanks Brian. Much appreciated man. Just soaking up knowledge and getting lined up to take some action. Love the Colored Pencil work. Very cool.
radc1962 Premium
Hi Ben... any new writes lately?
radc1962 Premium
Oh tell me about it..I'm still very blurr here and taking some notes trying to remember bit by bit. I know you from MySpace..if you can recall...really nice to see you here.. I am Blue Rose... lets go and learn something new and make money at the same time.
radc1962 Premium
I just close the window...
BenT Premium
Hi there. :) Nah, just got here a few hours ago, so I'm still settling in (and trying not to get lost in all the knowledge being shared).
BenT Premium
Wow. Small world! Very cool indeed. I kinda bailed on Myspace for a while. Everything just seemed kinda pointless (and a little hopeless). So I ran off to hide under a rock after ditching the podcast. Helplessly watching it fail was a real kick in the teeth. Been looking at WA for a while. Finally decided to jump in. ...and now I can't log out. lol
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to PM me of you need help. Good luck ! :)
BenT Premium
Thank you. Still settling in. Looks good so far. :)