Ok Mr Rico-shay!!!

Last Update: July 02, 2012
In the past, there was a very funny chartoon called Ricochet Rabbit(voiced by Don Messick) who worked as a sheriff in the Western setting called Hoop 'n Holler. Ricochet, got his name because he would bounced off all the walls yelling "ping-ping-ping Ricochet Rabbit". Now his deputy Mr Droop-a-long was a slow-moving Coyote,(voiced by Mel Blanc),who was impersonating Ken Curtis Festus Haggen a character from the TV Western, "Gunsmoke".

Droop-a-long was never as "jumpy" and would end up crashing through windows, or some similar accident, just having problems. Mr Ricochet was also known for using his trick bullets against his opponents( a bullet would stop in mid-flight and hover while striking the bad guy with an impossible oversized mallet or drawing a target on his nose and punching the target, or exploding after inside bigger compartments of the bullet.)

As for myself and to newbie in the business. I have notice that being very excited in this business I wanted to do everything all at once. Having the lack of patience, not being able to focus on doing one thing at a time, can have me ,or all of us, doing the same thing like Mr Ricochet Rabbit was doing, bouncing off the walls and yelling ping-ping-ping and going nuts at our computers.

I have been advised to take it slow and learn how to do one thing at a time. Like Mr Droop-a-long would say ,Ok Mr Rico-shay!! I heard someone say that they only had a few hours to do work on learning this business. I can only say that I or we have to learn what is more important, either we prioritize our time with time management skills and set aside a special time to do work. Or I or the rest of us newbies can go about yelling Ping-ping-ping in the town of Hoop 'n Holler and accomplished nothing!!!

The choice is yours

Thank you for reading this blog!!

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Labman_1 Premium
Guess what, that feeling doesn't go away. So many things to do and so little time. You learn a few things and a few more things materialize to learn.

The best way to get over this is to prioritize. Put your tasks down somewhere and decide what to do first. Then next and pretty soon you are at the bottom. Then you get to do it all over again with a new set.

Pretty exciting world we live in. Remember, if it gets too intense take a bit of time away to mull it all over. The brain can only process so much information at once. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but it works.

Great post
betts Premium
I want to thank all of you for all of your comments. Thanks guys, and remember be great and one thing first and the rest will follow!!!
Shawn Martin Premium
thanks for writing it!
paci Premium
Ha haa, good post. ( recognized myself :)
Amy Farr Premium
Ping ping ping!
Yep thats me, with head spinning at times!
I'm learning to take it easy and things find a way of happening after trial and error.
Thanks for the post!