About Bikash11
Joined January 2010
Hello Friend

I am Bikash and talking to you from my lovely house in London.
Do you know Canary Wharf - the heart of corporate London? I
was supposed to work there in one of the high rise buildings from
dawn to dusk. But then, I figured out that life can be beautiful in a
simple 9-5 job.

And guess what? My search for a life beyond rat-race has now
brought me to this affiliate university and I am hoping it would be
a wonderful time.

I wish to feel that I have got in a real university with a
a fresh looking face and seeking to make many new buddies.

Please give me a shout and introduce yourself. And any help will be
much appreciated, and paid back as well as forward. You know I am
so damn excited! Love and regards.
Bikash11's Accomplishments

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amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well in your endeavors. You have come to the right place to learn to earn. If you need assistance please do not hesitate to ask. I would like to suggest going to training center?training homepage/fast action quick start..which is potpiegirls tutorial. I recommend it when that "overwhelmed" feeling starts. Anyway, I am Brian from Oregon,USA.
Bikash11 Premium
Thank your Brian - my new buddy. Yeah I have taken your suggestion and just read a very informative article by potpiegirl on how to create an e-book. I am so grateful to you. I will be checking out your artwork sometime soon. Till then please take very good care of yourself. Talk soon...
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA and best wishes!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
M-skeezy Premium
Welcome to WA and good luck. If you need any help let me know:o)
music_mom30 Premium
music_mom30 Premium
Just give gold to people you want to, to threads that have helped you, once you have given some out you can then cash gold out that is given to you. Start at the beginning of the WA action plan. Once you choose which are you will focus on then move on to studying those sections more thoroughly. :)
Bikash11 Premium
Thank you buddy - my first buddy! You know I am so excited. How do I walk through the corridors? Which classroom should I go? Any help will be appreciated with a wink and may be a gold. How does it work? Do I have to donate all golds or can I keep some? Have a nice day!