Learning to take a break

Last Update: January 15, 2012

I've had one of those really frustrating days when I feel I've achieved nothing in terms of working on my websites or writing articles.

I must have spent about 4 hours this morning trying to get an Amazon link on a website.  Now I may not always know what I'm doing, but I've done this lots of times before.  Could I get it to work?.  No I couldn't  - I must have downloaded about 7 different Amazon plugins and I couldn't get any of them to work.  Yes I do have a product key,  a secret key and my affiliate id.  I even just tried copying a link from inside my account and dropping it into the site.  None of them worked.  I could have cheerfully screamed (but I didn't) - it was very early in the morning and I like to keep on friendly terms with my neighbours.

After indulging in some negative self-talk,  telling myself how useless I am, I decided to walk away and do something else.  I played the piano, went for a hike and wrote some letters and drafted a section of a  dissertation I'm doing.  I'm no good at doing nothing so sitting and relaxing wasn't an option.

I came back to the thorny issue of my amazon links about an hour ago. What happened?  I did it in less than 5 minutes.

So what have I learnt today?  As a coach who talks to people about confidence issues (including time management)  I need to learn to take my own advice and take regular breaks.  It's often counter productive to keep working away at something when a break refreshes the mind.

I've now put up a large notice over my desk saying 'Take a Break' .  All I've got to do is remember to look at it!

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Deezdz Premium
Nice to know I'm not alone...I beat up on myself when I've done something once and it doesn't go smoothly the second time around. Great advice to step away and take a break! =)
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you worked it out. I've found that Amazon links can be frustrating at time but have found a way to edit them to get them on as text links and even a way to make a picture link the way I want it to.

If I can be of help I'll walk you through the steps. Just PM me and we can do it together if you like.