About Bizness_man
Joined September 2008
A 20 year old guy .here to make a couple of bucks and who knows maybe even more.Very new My first day in fact. I am overwhelmed by the amount of information .I guess i will have a shot at the 8 week plan ,and see how it goes. Would love to make friends. Please do drop a line and any advice if u have the time.Thank you . Best of Wishes to every one especially the new members. by the way this was the First time i ever Spent money online.hehehe

Call Me Riki

That was me 3 years ago, and now i am back and i am 23. Here to give it my best this time. I love how WA has changed so much and i wish every single one of you the best in your adventures.
Don't hesitate to add me , i would love to have a friend or two
Bizness_man's Accomplishments

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Yue Premium
Hi Riki, all the best to your career.
Msian here too~
shanakoma Premium
God bless you Riki, I wish you the best! Keep dreams alive and live them everyday! Bisous, Shan:)
Bizness_man Premium
hi there shanakoma.
i must admit i think you must be a very nice and interesting person.Nice to meet you.
Hope to that we can have a lot of success in IM .
Take care
hcloward Premium
Lucky you for finding the right place on the first try! Welcome! I am pretty new so my advice is limited. Just don't let yourself get too overwhelmed, start the action plan, and participate here and the forums. I have already met so many amazing people. Again welcome and have a FABULOUS weekend.
hcloward Premium
Hey Riki! Wanted to stop in and say hello! How are things?
hcloward Premium
Hi Riki! I don't have MSN messenger. Don't worry about not responding quick. I understand that people are busy. I have not made any money so far. I am also just studying as you are. Hope you had a fantastic day!
Bizness_man Premium
Hey Thnks for the welcome. Really feels good to be welcomed by so many people.
wish u only the best !!
Bizness_man Premium
Hey sorry i Did not reply sooner. Just wanted to know How are u doing ? making money yet?
I have not done much .Only read almost everything that i possibly can .haahhah going to start everything once the 8 week plan is done and take my own time doing it.
If u want u can add me at mechanic_saeid@hotmail.com ..we could do a lot of chatting.
Good luck and take care
Hedda Premium
See you just signed up welcome.
Hedda Premium
Yes, follow the 8 week plan to get you familiar and for you to begin taking action. I'm on Week 3 and already getting started.
I would also take some of the tutorials, which are quit helpful.
Bizness_man Premium
yap.Thanks for welcoming me. Any advice on what i should do ?
Inga Premium
Hi, Riki.
Welcome to big family! Good luck!
Bizness_man Premium
Hi inga . Thnks for the Welcome .Wish you all the Best!