Creating Accounts Across the Web and Your Email Address
I have finally had to concede.
For the past 5 years, I have been signing up to various accounts and websites across the world with the email address provided to me by my isp.
I have known all along that this could very well come back and bite me on the bum, and so, today, I have decided to sort my life out as far as my internet accounts are concerned.
So, I finally created my own gmail account and and going through the laborious procedure of entering all my existing accounts and changing my email address from my isp to my gmail. No doubt there will be half a million accounts I have missed, but basically, if I haven't used an account in 6 months, as far as i'm concerned, it's cactussed!
So, do yourselves a favour, if you already haven't had the bright idea, but sign up to stuff using a hotmail or gmail account if you can, because if you ever change isp's in the future, you'll end up with a hell of a mess.
Just wish I'd realised this 5 years ago!