About Bodil
Joined February 2008
I am living in Norway with my family, my husband and two grown up sons. I am online to make money and achieve financial freedom and create a better life for me and my family.
I am also online ti help people I get in touch with to make moeny and gain their goals.

I have been online for a few years now, and I know it is not easy to make money online... however I also know it is possible. And I know it`s possible for the average person, you and me, not only for the few...

And more and more people are coming online to find a way to make money. Most of them don`t know anything about marketing when they start. And many of them join some pyramid schemes the first times they try.

Then they begin to understand that they need more education and training about HOW to market. And WA and other business building systems can help them to become real online marketers. That is what I am doing now. I teach and help other network marketers to find a real business to make all the cash they want.

Today I am doing network marketing another way than I did before. I do not jump from company to company anymore. I stay where I am and know what to do to build the businesses I am into.

I have chosen to run one company with nutritional supplements and some other products. And I have also chosen companies with network marketing education and financial education. This will give me more than one income stream which I believe is the right way to build a online business.

I hope you will get in touch with me if you want to know a little bit more about me and what I am doing.

And I wish everyone who comes here to my WA profile success with their online businesses.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Bodil Premium
Thanks :-) I have been here for a while, though been very too and from here. Not really found the way to go in WA, but find good information here so hope I will see hte light soon :) Have some businesses outside WA though. WIsh you all luck with your musican business :)!
Bodil Premium
HI, I am sorry, didn`t see your question for help before today. I have not been written articles here but i will go into the section and see if I can see how they do it.

You want to write articles here to make money? I have seen there is an option to do that. Can you make much money that way?

I understand that its very easy to get overwhelmed here if you have not been onine for business before. It`s a big business world online. I suppose you have good writing skills ?

There is many ways to use them online; writing articles as you have started to do, build your own website and sell products, get into network marketing and build a network marketing business, you will need your own website and good writing skills is very good to make that.

Maybe you can write your own e-book and sell it online?

There is so many ways. I am in the newtork marketing and I am struggling a little myself with all the tecnical things I need to learn. But a network marketing business was the right thing for me when I found a good company because I can work with a team. Here at WA its also a forum and much good education. I think you should take one step at a time...if not it gets too much just as you experiences.

Find what you want to sell, can be your writings, an e-book , network marketing.. and go for it. Make your website that tells people about what you are doing. Send an add out about it, You can use free exange programs...or ad words, but don`t pay anything for advertising if you have not much money. Use forums...find social forums with interests you have and start get in touch with people. Answer their questions , get involved in discusions and see if you can help them any way.. most forums you can use your signatur and that should have a link to your website which you can build here in WA. Maybe I should tell you that if you want the site up on the net you need to buy a domain name. Find a domain that is a good keyword to what you are doing.

Well, maybe this got to much... but it`S important for you not read and try everything now in the beginning. Start small and grow :)

Have a great day and don`t give up :-)
1-81-12-80 Premium
I just received your post from March, asking if I need help. I actually took a break from all of this and decided to come back and hit it full strength. I just recently figured out how to write articles for a friend but am having trouble pm the article back to him. Yes I would love the help I am still just so overwhelmed! A
Bodil Premium
Hi again,
I was looking into the different sections here. I didn`t see exactly how to answer your question. But go to the help section and look for it there. Write the question in the forum and I hope someone there will be able to answer. I am sure many here have done this work and know how to do it. But try to explain for them exactly what you want help to; is it to get your article to a file and send it, or directly to his/ her website, or something else?

Good luck, I am sure someone here know and will help. If you do not get answer ask the owners of the site here,

Bodil :-)
Bodil Premium

How is it going?
