The Net Frontier

Last Update: February 23, 2011

The internet is perhaps the last vestige of American pioneering spirit. One shudders at the idea of lost industrial power, outsourced jobs, and a declining economy. One economist said, " today don't want shovel-ready jobs--they want laptops. Younger people aren't interested in lifelong careers with a good, solid company--a place where they will climb the corporate ladder and eventually retire--they job hop frequently, look for interesting job experiences, and will profit from multiple streams of income." 

Affiliate marketing is just one opportunity among thousands with the potential to do just that--profit. Indeed, making one's way in the world via the internet can be likened to the frontiers of the old west. Websites pop up like new towns where communities grow. New wares are invented to meet the needs (or fancies) of the people. And everything feels open, fresh, and lively. The internet is a thriving place filled with adventure and opportunity.

Let's hope bureaucratic red-tape like net neutrality, oppressive government regulation, or big-business opportunism doesn't overshadow the possibilities for self-reliant legionnaires.

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