
Last Update: August 12, 2010

Hi from Brad.

I accidentally deleted the posts that were here before.

Sheesh!!!! Seems like every membership site has to have machines with different controls....

And even though I work with this computer everyday I still find myself avoiding the need to learn more tech stuff.

I know I know it is a learning block that I need to get over...........I will........soon,..ish.

 Anyway long story short.........

After many many,...way TOO MANY hours fiddling  with the blog building tools here at WA I took the plunge and signed up with a little outfit called Bluehost.

 EXACTLY 11 minutes after that I had a Wordpress Blog up and running.

(Though I am going to change the Theme because the one I chose looks Way Different now that it is live,....which is a mystery to me???)

Because of my own experience and the frustrations I see in the forum I thought I would pass on a suggestion to bypass a lot of or the potential for a lot of work and mind bending that is actually avoidable.

Hostgator, Bluehost,.....two that come highly recommended and have the all important,...24/7 support.

24/7 support that is performed by an "understandable" and informed tech. is not just important it is mandatory.

Listen....... you can really sink your business without knowledgeable, helpful support that is there all the time.  Including Week-ends.

Even though I know you'll be shocked at this, but,... I'm an affiliate for both ( and will be using both) so if you want to join under my flag,......go ahead I won't stop ya.;).............................. PM me and I'll send you the link.

(I think it's kinda cheap to throw links in here).




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reefswimmer Premium
Glad to meet you ! I really like what you say and what you share about your life. and btw, I would not have found it cheap, tawdry, roll-your-eyes-time or anything else of that ilk, if you had put the links right in your post. I like it when an action step is right in front of my face. Saves me steps, moves me forward.
Diane, reefswimmer