About Buddhabuddy
Joined January 2010
So before you read up on my quirky being, I want to point you to a jewel on this page; under, "Websites" you will see "Truth Marketing". That's one of my domain names. How sweet is that? Go get one of your very own singers there!

I'm a fairly simple guy, really. Well complicated, but simple. I'll start with the physical stuff first; I'm 5'10", brown hair that's starting to take a vacation piece by piece (which has a lot to do with why I buzz my noggin) and blue eyes. This time of the year I have what would best be described as a "lean" body shape, but in the summer I transform that to "built"

My lifestyle is, for the most part, clean. Everything I own falls in the category of "Gently Used". Okay some of it looked like it was thrown over a cliff before I got my hands on it, but If I think I can fix something I don't let anyone throw it out until I've at least had a chance to try! What can I say? I like to tinker; it keeps the mind sharp and the artistic juices flowing. I like my food locally grown and organic and would much rather get it from the little guy, not some chain of Fat Cats. I'm a vegetarian who wouldn't mind being a vegan; bread and eggs are my sticking points though. The former is too expensive and the latter is just too versatile! Oh, and don't forget honey! I bow down to the Queen Bee lol!

As for the rest of me, well lets just say I seem to like walking around without metaphorical "Shirt". Money is something that comes and goes, but, and this a BIG but, I know if you don't have friends, you don't have worth. I mean, if you're going to hog it all, you might as well name yourself Boss Hog (whoops, did I just date myself?)

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. Admittedly the shell's a little cracked, but fresh air is good, right?

Good Luck Everyone!

P.S. Check out my new blog domain and toss me an opinion!
Buddhabuddy's Accomplishments

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Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
buddhabuddy Premium
lol I'm fairly certain that's going to be when, not if!
Suzi Premium
Same for me--the about me... So, you are a writer as well. Hmmm... maybe when I get lifeanecdotes.com up and running--you will grace us with some stories
buddhabuddy Premium
Hmmmm....a writer, eh? I only thought I had literal diarrhea!
I guess that's my hint of the day.
You just became my first gold giveaway!
hrenee122 Premium
Welcome to WA and best wishes for sucess!
buddhabuddy Premium
Thanks! I'm sooooo Jazzed to be here!
ellyngeorge Premium
And here you are in a great place! Kind of like the soothing water in your pic.
buddhabuddy Premium
Quite soothing, isn't it? I'm forecasting good surfing though; time to make some waves!
buddhabuddy Premium
I finally found the end of a 5 year search and here I am!