About Buddyboy
Joined December 2009
Hi everyone, my name is Joe and I live in Toronto, Canada. I joined WA in December of 2009. In the time that I've been here I've learned so much about Affiliate Marketing and then some, and although I'm not where I want to be yet, I know it's only a matter of time before I get there.

With so much information that's available here, I still get overwhelmed and even frustrated at times, but I'm taking it slow and have actually had some minor success so far. I'm very happy that I made the decision to join when I did.

I like to compare affiliate marketing with my golf game. (I absolutely suck at golf, lol) Although I'm not a very good golfer, every now and then I'll make an incredible shot that just blows me away and motivates me to work harder to become even better and more importantly, NOT QUIT! One day I know I'll break 100. (now I'm embarrased)lol

Same with affiliate marketing. Sometimes it seems like no matter how hard I work at it, it's like I'm not getting anywhere and then all of a sudden I succeed at either accomplishing a task or even earning a commission. Just the motivation I need to keep at it and once again, NOT QUIT!

If I can offer any advice to new members of the WA community, it would simply be that even though you will get overwhelmed and frustrated, just keep at it and never quit. Your day will come and in the meantime you have all the tools and support to acheive the goals that you've set for yourself.

To all of our success.
Buddyboy's Accomplishments

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Hey Joey,

Its Danny. Check it out. Im pullin out my hair tryin to get this thing to work lol

buddyboy Premium
Hey Danny, glad to see you here and it looks like your well on your way. If you ever need any help with anything at all don't hesitate to contact me. We've all felt the way you probably are right now but don't worry, it only gets easier. This is a great community and you'll never have any trouble getting assistance when you need it.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Joe. Thank you for the buddy add. Look forward to getting to know you here. We're buddied up!
buddyboy Premium
Thanks very much Joan. I look forward to getting to know you as well.
Ezinewriter Premium
Thank you so much Joe, I'll give you some gold as soon as I get some more. I'm empty now LOL!
buddyboy Premium
My pleasure Sylviane, but there's really no need to send me any gold. I've gained so much from you and so many others hear at WA, and since I recently decided to step out of my comfort zone and become more involved with the community, it's the least I could do.

I noticed when I voted that you were leading the pack. Very happy for you and good luck the rest of the way.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome back.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
buddyboy Premium
Thanks Jamie.