OMG! A WA 0EP of my dreams!

Last Update: June 02, 2012
Hello, fellow WAU's . This is my first blog on WA, inspired by the Open Education Project.
Ya know since Kyle and Carson's brainchild launched and all of these new people came in for their free 10 day trial, my ranking number went way up, which means down in WA status. Of course.. This alone is inspiration enough to get me moving and involved with this community just to bring my ranking numbers back down. This really shows how many new people this incentive program is bringing in. Now, since Kyle and Carson's announcement of their new share and get paid program, I see the real benefit of being more involved with this community through writing in my blog, commenting on the forum as well as using some of the social media platforms to share Wealthy Affiliate and make some commissions. I got my first invite notice just the other day and if this person signs up it will be my first income online. I recently purchased a new domain name just to take advantage of this new program of theirs. Even though I am no, IM expert yet, this allows me to tap in to the expert content of this site and even inspires me to come up with some of my own insights and content to share with others. I've always had plenty of ideas about Internet marketing to share, but figured I didn't have the credentials or authority to share them outside of my circle of friends and family Now I can come on with my IM website as a beginner holding the hand of my teacher and let my traffic audience know that I am doing so, (nothing to hide here) allowing them to watch me grow right on my very own Internet marketing niche site. Some of the other niches that i have domains for that follow some of my life passions will be the individual projects I will develop before my audience's eyes. And now, with all this nice expert content that I'm allowed to use from Wealthy Affiliate University I can fill in a lot of the gaps that I would otherwise not be able to come up with on my own. It's like having my teacher alongside me as I show to the world that I can do this and you get to watch me grow. If you want to learn how to yourself, just sign in for a 10 day free trial to check it out. Ha ha. How's that. That's awesome! I'm so psyched.
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veronica.l Premium
Yes being involved in the community you learn a lot + you meet a lot of nice helpful people. You kind of learn who to ask along the way when you have problems showing up :)
BIS Premium
I agree with Christian (Sielke). It's good to be active because there is a lot you can learn from being involved and sharing your experiences - the good and the bad.
Sielke Premium
That's great. Its good to be active in the community, by just posting and being active you learn a lot and you can teach others too. It's the beauty of the OEP that everyone learns no matter how experienced they are there's always new ideas to try.