Def Motivated Now

Last Update: April 17, 2010

Hello everybody,


Back on my prior post I talked about motivation etc.  Let me tell you, I love this new med, cuz' now I feel like I can actually focus and get stuff done! I've been working on websites and backlinks and blogs and all kinds of fun stuff! I don't know if you guys have ever used or currently use a site called weebly?  well if you haven't, it's a fabulous landing page free site building website.  SO much fun stuff you can add to it, even google adsense, multiple pages, blogs, videos, you can add games whatever, it's fun and I'm newly addicted to it lol, and it's FREE!! Soo just proud of myself that I'm actually getting stuff done.  Couldn't come at a better time too, almost ending the time where I actually have to go and get a real job and I don't want to! I'm just hoping for a miracle lol and I'll be making money btwn this and my new business! I have wayyy too much fun spending time with my babygirl!! We go to the park and walks and Dunkin Donuts ;-) We shall see, but as my mom says if I do have to go and get a job, at least it will be the LAST job that I have to look for and the LAST employer I'll ever have ;-) LOL.  But in the mean time I"m still going to kick butt and work real hard on the internet!

Yay for!

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