Keep On Track

Last Update: August 17, 2012
Just wanted to share a little what has been going on with me so far since I have joined Wealthy Affiliate. First of all as I began my free trial I was kind of hesitant if this was the right thing for me. Then I realized that I had access to loads and loads of amazing information that would cost you thousands of dollars trying to piece it together somewhere else and then you are still left not knowing how to use or put the information into "action." So as for this guy, I realized what was available here and I did not even make it to the end of my 10 day trial before I upgraded to premium because I am ready to learn all I can and utilize everything that is available to me.

The first thing I do want to stress is that there is "tons" of information that is new to you. Even if think you got an idea on how everything works like I did, you are totally wrong if you have never done this sort of thing. The one thing that I was struggling with was trying to consume too much information at one time and not really putting anything to "action". Thanks to some great people here at Wealthy Affiliate, they pointed me into the right direction because that was a problem I was having.

The second thing that I seen myself doing was getting distracted by too many other different internet marketing schemes. It was not the fact that I was interested in them because I know I have all the information I need here at Wealthy Affiliate, it was just to see what kind of things other people are out there doing with Internet Marketing. When you see tag lines such as "New Click Bank Algorithm To Make Instant Cash" you are kind of curious to see what kind of scam they are pitching. Its just crazy to see how many immoral and unethical people are out there just scamming people out of there money. But once again I was getting caught up reading and not "writing" and not putting anything in "action".

To get to my point of all this rambling I needed to share with someone is that you got to "STICK TO THE PLAN". If not, you are never going to keep on track and find yourself way behind. I can also see this happening to people and see why they might give up to easily. There will always be thousands of distractions but if you got a plan and you have your goals, you should SUCCEED!

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Thanks, Justin. I'll do that. I want to be doing something proactive while I'm away.
CallMeJustin Premium
no problem, keep the creative juices flowing!
mi6rima Premium
co-sign! This is happening to me too!
CallMeJustin Premium
Yea, It will probably happen more than once, it just happens. But make sure you got the first ten days down and then start 30 day success. just follow the steps and block everything else out. You will be on your way.
I am also suffering from "information overload" and it is hard to know where to begin with all the knowledge available. I think I could get focused with the 30 day success plan, but I'm not a member yet and can't even pay the membership fee until September. I have 4 days left of my free trial and I still feel like I'm "bouncing" around without getting much accomplished. But I do know this is the place to be.
CallMeJustin Premium
Yea this is definitely the place to be. If I were you, I would take advantage of the keyword search right now. You should have some sort of niche right now and I would find all the keywords I could and write them down so in your off time before you can afford the membership start doing research and submitting to street articles so when you do come back you are already that far ahead.
rechest1 Premium
well said.....
I completely agree with you! Information overload! I think the hardest thing about WA is having to pace yourself :P

Stick with the 30 day success plan. After that, probably go through most of it again, then look at your options. At least then you'll have some knowledge behind you and you'll have something decent, instead of just looking at "shiny objects" like many people do.

I myself will be doing the 30 days success plan again, and stick too it this time!

Good luck, and welcome to WA!
CallMeJustin Premium
I appreciate it