Introduction to WA "Premium" Memberships

Last Update: July 05, 2012
Today we have rolled out some brand new functionality that takes the PREMIUM membership here at WA in a league of it’s own...

Introducing WA "Premium" level Exclusive Memberships.

The concept is simple, there are tools, training, and services that will be exclusive to Premium members. If you are a full-time member here at WA then you already have Premium level access to everything that is offered. I just want to be clear that if you’re full-time at WA right now, you are "Premium" - there is not some other membership level to join.

The main difference is related to Trial members will not have access to the premium level training, tools, or services.

Why introduce "Premium"?

When test driving WA on the free trial there are some real gems of training that we want to reserve for Premium members only. There are tools and systems that we have planned that will be offered to Full-time members only.

Today we moved the 30-day Success Club into the "Premium Offering" because it is being completely updated and will refer to many items that are for full-time members only. During the first 10 days while a new member is on their trial some training just doesn’t make sense. Why get involved in the 30 day success club until you’ve made your decision to stay at WA full-time? Last week we released training called "Your First 10 Days" which is our recommended starting point for all members of WA. This 10 day course then progresses into the current "30-day Success Club" which will be renamed soon.

Adding to the exclusivity to the Premium offering at WA will benefit all who are dedicated to the program. This is going to be awesome!

You have FULL control over your content

When you create content at WA you have control over who can access it. You can create Premium training or Premium blogs, or change any of your training or historical blog posts to "Premium Members Only". Doing this will give your content a special "premium" label in the training center and make the content exclusive.

Creating content that is open to "All members" is important and encouraged but we now have the ability to create content for those who join WA full-time only.

If you are promoting WA you now have the ability to create special training content for people who join as full-time members. You can take the angle of letting your website visitors know that you’ve created "Premium" training that they can access if they join full-time. The trial membership at WA is amazing to say the least, but "Premium" will evolve into the absolute best opportunity out there for people who are willing to dedicate themselves to WA full-time.


As always with any new features we would love to hear your feedback.

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slayton1s Premium
I think this is a good idea. Steering some of the main features away from the new trial members. I think all Training should be for premium users while free people can still see the 1st page upon joining like anything else. I'd have to say the 3 main reasons why I use WA are:
- Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool
- Wealthy Affiliate Hosting
- Training, Community, & Blogs
Having certain restrictions on the important parts of WA will increase interest of people in buying gold or yearly subscription.

I know when I joined.... I signed up because I was determined.. these people are lucky they have this free trial in the 1st place.
Carson Premium
georgejhaas Premium
Carson, I think that this new level is excellent. I agree with you that having the FREE members not see the 30 day club is on target. I am getting ready to launch my new site in about a week. I now can focus on providing training information to only those that join at the Premium level. Great Work!
Carson Premium
@RICH. Premium
Fantastic George, that gives Kyle a whole seven days to revamp 30 Day Success Club, he'll think Xmas has come early! ;)
CosmicCowboy Premium
Hi Carson,
I have tried to upgrade to the year memebership but there seems to be problems as when I choose the yearly payment option and click the upgrade button I get an error message which says " invalid subscription price" My free memebership has finished but I am now unable to continue. Any ideas ?
@RICH. Premium
Hi Dave. I managed to catch up with Carson in the chatroom, he's checking into it now for you. Rich.
CosmicCowboy Premium
Thanks RIch, I am only able to communicate via blogs at the moment, clicking on the links in emails I get.
Carson Premium
CosmicCowboy Premium
Thanks Carson, I'm glad You managed to find the problem. I'm looking forward to my year with WA, sounds like this is going from strength to strength. I have to admit I know very little about IM and really hope I can get some results in my first year.
@RICH. Premium
No probs. Dave, you're most welcome. I'd forgotten you can't PM on the trial. I'll mention that to Kyle or Carson when I see them next in the chatroom, as there should be a way for those who are on the trial or where it's expired to contact someone if they're having trouble signing up. I'm sure they wouldn't want anyone wandering off due to that!!
Carson Premium
CosmicCowboy Premium
Carson, I got an email saying you had sent me a message in the forum but I am unable to read this due to account restrictions.
Carson Premium
@RICH. Premium
I know I should be happy... but I'm now starting 30 Day over for the fourth time!!!!
Carson Premium
@RICH. Premium
Yes. I'm certainly getting a workout on my proofreading skills, Kyle has a specific facial twitch every time he sees my @RICH handle!
PCRoger Premium
This makes a lot of sense, glad to hear it.