About CosmicCowboy
Joined June 2012
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Hi Dave, thank for following me, look forward to helping in anyway I can!
Carson Premium
CosmicCowboy Premium
My Name is David and I have been working as an I.T consultant in the UK for about 14 years before that I worked at BT for 10 years. My dream is to be able to slow the pace down and travel more. If this works out for me then it will help me achieve this. Although at the moment this seems to good to be true I so hope to be proven wrong.

Like many things this will only be as good as the results of your efforts deserve. I suggest you get familiar with how to get around here.

Then follow just the top producers to start (top 200 say) and do a30day club to learn The speed to work at and things you need to do.

Rinse and repeat keep going for at least a year. If you are honest with your work and efforts you will succeed!

Good luck!
If you approach it with an attitude that "nothing good comes easy," than you will succeed. If you expect overnight success, you may as well stick with your current career. I have been working at it diligently for a few months and still have much to learn before I can look at this as a career. Good luck!!