Personalized Welcome Message to YOUR WA referrals!

Last Update: July 19, 2012
Hi Everyone!

We have just released some new functionality at WA that allows you to welcome people that you invite with a customized message that is automatically added to the user’s WA Space profile wall!!!

The purpose of this is to allow you to get in touch with the people who you invite to WA. It gives new members of WA nice warm welcome and can really help them feel at home.

All members at Wealthy Affiliate have the ability to create a custom welcome message by clicking on a new TAB within their Affiliate Program page here:

Enter the welcome message and you would like people to receive, and it will be automatically posted on their WA Space wall when they join!

What should you include in your welcome message?

Giving people a nice warm welcome is a great thing because it will help them feel comfortable with their decision to join the 10-day Free Trial.

Our suggestion is to offer these new members some words of wisdom of how to get started. It’s really up to you what you want to include in this welcome message but some valuable words will go a long way with engaging them in WA!

Allowing you to connect with your referrals also ads continuity to your marketing efforts. For example, you can mention on your website that once they join that you will get in contact with them with some tips on how to get started, offer a bonus, give them some personal support, or even just say “Hi”. With this new system you can accomplish this and be very creative with how you engage with your referrals.

We have also provided you a list of who you have referred!

Your referral list will allow you to see who you have referred so that you can reach out to these people, follow them, and further engage them within WA. We want to offer YOU the ability to connect with your referrals and show them why WA is such a great place to learn about Online business.

The number ONE compliment that Kyle and I receive about Wealthy Affiliate within the first few days is that people feel at home, safe, and excited about what the community has to offer. Being “Followed” by someone is an exciting thing when you are new and we encourage you to follow the people you refer. Getting an email telling you that you have a new follower is pretty darn cool!


You can access this “Referral” tab right from your Affiliate Program page found in the main menu

We hope that everyone at WA who is sharing Wealthy Affiliate will make use of this great feature. I know that people who you refer to WA will greatly benefit from a welcome message from you!

If you have feedback please let me know, I’m all ears :)

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mama2karsten Premium
I totally enjoy welcoming newcomers to WA because I believe in what is waiting for them here... if they are willing to work and learn. I have tried-out or joined more places than I can count in the last couple of years. It took me a while to find a good match... someplace I trusted... WA! I am not new to marketing, advertising and consulting... I did it successfully for 27 years in the Home Furnishings Industry. I have worked with some of the best bricks and mortar stores and manufacturers around the country.
As the economy started heading south in 2007 (not unexpected) I wanted to be one of the first Consultants with solutions for the Industry that would be viable in good times as well as bad... to be the christopher Columbus of the new business model discovery that businesses large and small were clamoring for... then my parents got really sick and needed help. That made my decision for me. I quit what I was doing to help them... and would not trade that decision for anything.
Starting over has not been an easy task. I have found many parts, so now the exercise of putting the whole puzzle together begins... and part of it is right here in WA... I am so impressed with what Kyle and Carson have built.
kyle Premium
Well you definitely have all of the drive and skills to succeed and I do think your decision was absolutely right one as well. It is wonderful to have people like yourself as part of the community here at WA and I look forward to hearing about your successes in the future.

Thanks for your kind words and your feedback, it is always appreciated!
PotPieGirl Premium
This is a GREAT option for those that recommend WA to others - thanks guys! Everyone - make sure you USE it. It's really simple to do and you can edit it any time you want to.
kyle Premium
Agreed, it is going to serve as a great way to connect with your referrals. Many people need this comfort, in particular within this industry. Thanks for you feedback Jennifer! :)
jennorr Premium
Hello, I am a brand new member of WA, I just started my first 10 days as of today. I look forward to meeting everyone and becoming a sponge to all of this unbeatable knowledge!! Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carson Premium
Ty Johnson Premium
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
I hope you're a BIG sponge:) Lot's to learn but it's fun learning. Welcome to WA, Jenn.
CQuel Premium
Thanks, Carson! I can't wait to get started.
CQuel Premium
Hi! My name is Cathy Quel and I am a new member here at the WA. I went through my 10 days of training and when I was down to my last day, I had to join. I got so much out of my 10 days, I can't wait to do the 30 day plan.
Carson Premium
Ty Johnson Premium
Welcome to WAU, always great to have a new member
kyle Premium
Great to have you here!! :)