About SquidooSlfMstr
Joined June 2009
Aloha WA Members!

My name is Charlie and I LOVE Passive Income (Click "Follow Me" if you LOVE creating Passive Income, too). This is what led me to Affiliate Marketing.

I would rather live modestly with passive income and free time than in a mansion with lot's of "toys" working as a $1,000,000 executive. But, that's just me:)

My ultimate goal is to NOT depend on an employer for my financial well being. Nor do I believe you should depend on an employer for the "benefits."

After my employer closed down (a division of the Sheraton Hotels) and witnessing today's American struggling economy, I'm a firm believer that there is NO such thing as a secure job. Banking on that is playing "Russian Roulette."

With that said, I feel obligated to issue this warning: Depending on an Employer or Government for your Financial Future is a disastrous strategy.

I've come here to fulfill a dream of mine of setting up passive income streams that can be managed anywhere in the world.

Freedom to live anywhere, move whenever I want (not when my employer says so), and spend time with family and friends because I can work WHENEVER I want, is very valuable to me.

This also solves the problem of staying with an employer JUST BECAUSE OF HEALTH INSURANCE. It is really disheartening to me when people are overworked, stressed, and unhealthy, but must remain in that environment because they're getting health "benefits."

As much as possible, we should get our own private health insurance that is NOT dependent on working X amount of hours for an employer.

The irony? When you are hospitalized and need health insurance most, you will not be able to fulfill your work hours and you will lose your insurance. This is why I stress passive income, and not earned income.

This also acts as a form of disability insurance, something we all need.

More About Me
Other passions in life include Fitness, Self-Mastery, Effective Communication, and Stock Trading.

I don't want to become famous. I just want to make a living online.

Anyone that can relate to anything mentioned above, click the "Follow Me" button and hope we can network to share our successes and failures together.

Looking forward to meeting new members.

SquidooSlfMstr's Accomplishments

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Guamuchilito Premium
Thanks Charles, I really apreciate your words, it is better when you talk to someone who has experienced the same feelings. Have a great day !
Guamuchilito Premium
Hi Charles, I agree with you with the idea to travel around the world and working at the same time, not depending on a job. I just would like to acomplish this goal. Have a great day !
easyrider Premium
Hi Charles. Aloha, and good luck with building your dream. I think a lot of people like you and I are in doubt about working in the broken economic system and want to be in charge of our own life and income. Look forward to sharing ideas.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Hi Carolynn! Thanks for the "Buddy request" and will love to add you as a "Buddy." Yes, we are moving out of the industrial age and must not depend on companies taking care of us during our Golden Years. I hope the youth today are not counting on the government and corporate to take care of them later. BTW, Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate (WA)...I just rejoined, too. Looking forward to see you progress in your online business.

wjmarketer2 Premium
We'll be your buddy. Check out our website too. Low Profile, yep! Sure! Touch bases with you soon. This is not a low profile kinda business - but you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. So we'll gladly embark on this journey with you. The more the merrier. We believe in win-win.
wjmarketer2 Premium
You're Right! Good luck to you too!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Actually, as I learned from Jim Cockrum, it's win-win-win for us marketers (merchant-marketer-customer). Better get going with my Lessons. Good luck with your business.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
SquidooSlfMstr Premium

Thanks for the welcome. Hope your 8? months here have been profitable.