WA Downtime Explained

Last Update: August 20, 2012
Hi Everyone,

We just experienced a period of downtime while one of our main database servers at Wealthy Affiliate went down due to hardware failure. This was really strange timing because we are actually planning a migration of Wealthy Affiliate to a brand new network tomorrow. This update is going to come with many back-end improvements including a brand new WA Chat. Today's downtime was not part of the plan as our migration should be seamless when it happens.

Moving to our new network will prevent such downtime in the future as we have a much more sophisticated setup where it will not matter if a hard drive fails, or if we have a RAM failure. We will be redundant and be able to handle major failures like this with little to no downtime at all.

I've been quiet in the past few weeks here at WA as I've been heads down on some nice new improvements to WA, Jaaxy, and Street Articles. I plan to get back into the swing of things publicly here at WA as we roll into some of the most exciting months of the year. Back to school, back to work, and the end of summer holidays means a lot more traffic online. People who have been holding off on purchasing over the summer months will be back in full force very soon! Exciting days ahead!

Thank you for your patience and support while we were down, and feel free to let me know how annoying it was not to be able to get into WA!!!


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@RICH. Premium
Carson, I'm going to book myself a ticket to the land of "Barbarians, Bears and Beavers" so I can beat you around the head with a wet iPad unless the mobile chat gets fixed pronto. It's been weeks-and-weeks-and.... since Kyle broke it. I'd also appreciate confirmation that it's been made crystal clear to Kyle that he's no longer allowed to masticate over any of the servers. Thanks. Rich. :P
kyle Premium
You are using an iPad for business? What is wrong with you? LOL

This will be fixed shortly, we have been aware of this issue since it took place but instead of putting "gum" on a leak, we are waiting to fix within our new architecture.

The issue has actually been just annoying and I can feel your pain. Will be fixed this week, I promise!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
That hardware failure was just a sign to confirm that you and Kyle are taking WA in the right direction. Like I mentioned before, all these improvements not only keep WA members excited about the future, but it's easier to genuinely promote WA as being the best member's only "everything you need to make money online" training platform. Thanks Kyle and Carson and all the support staff!
Sherion Premium
Well I would complain but I didn't even know it went out! lol. I had been doing other stuff. But, things go out everywhere at times, electricity, water, etc. Our own computers crash too! So, since I have been given a God-given patience I wait and know that all will work out and I know that I am in good hands here too! This is the best place to be for IM. Thanks for all you guys do!
kyle Premium
All sites do crash, definitely agree with that! However, we are transitioning to a much more robust technical platform that will allow WA to be far more redundant and to give us much more computing and processing power as we need it. Plus chat is going to be improved with the new roll out. No more chat monster!
Fortune3 Premium
Sounds real productive and awesome.
Carson Premium
Fortune3 Premium
I have been enjoying all of them too. Great work you guys have done.
CSmith1 Premium
Glad to see WA back up, Thanks for the update Carson.
Carson Premium
CSmith1 Premium
No problem these things happen.
testch20 Premium