About Cassandra
Joined September 2009
My name is Cassandra. I'm a wife and a mother of 2 teenage daughters. I enjoy reading, boating and "being on the internet" (which my husband claims is too often :-). I'm new to IM and quite excited about the potential that IM has to change my career path!!!
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rtaylor34 Premium
Hey Cassandra. I just joined yesterday and I'm also excited with this new opportunity. I'm convinced that this industry is for me. I wish you success and happiness in your new ventures. Hope to speak with you soon.
Cassandra Premium
Hello!! Welcome to WA!! I love your energy!! A couple of words of advice...go thru Carson's WA Action Plan. There is a wealth of beneficial info that will help you start your IM career.
Best wishes,
wildflower40 Premium
Hello Cassandra!! Love the new post!
Cassandra Premium
Hi, Thank you!! I'm on a serious journey!!
Best wishes to you!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Cassandra, thanks for passing by and for your words. Very happy success to you. I know you have everything you need here to become super WA!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Cassandra Premium
Thanks....I'm excited about the endless possibilities!!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Cassandra! Thanks for passing by and welcome to WA!