Still battling on with Article Marketing - started going to a cafe to see if it will improve my concentration and provide me with inspiration. Managed to download an e-book called "Article Cash Machine" which is about Article writing made simple. Hopefully it will become clearer as I read on. Here's hoping I can get an article written by the end of August.
Monday 19th - just finished Article Marketing - Lesson 5.
Not quite got it - but hopefully it will become clearer as i progresson through the training.
I've set myself a working schedule so that I don't fall behind with the programme, but already this seems to be failing as my internet has been down for the past 4 days. But I will not let that stop me. I have resigned from my main job because of family commitments but I feel hopeful that this will work for me. This is my 2nd attempt at WA and I know it i'm patient and pace myself I will achieve some positive results xx