About Cathy150
Joined August 2009
Hi, I am very excited to be here but also a little nervous that is won't work. I work full time. go to school full time. have a family and grandkids. and i'm a little overwhelmed at how much there is to learn here! Here's hoping I can figure it all out. And hopefully make a few friends along the way.
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bajachkandi60 Premium
Hi Cathy, sorry for the slow return, yeh crazy huh had to walk away for a while to think if this was for me,but I'll hang in going to try and simplify thru other things I've been reading. Yes baja is very nice can't wait to get back, great property values right now, also the pretty time of the year for the flowers butterflies etc everything comes out after the hurricains.-----C
cathy150 Premium
It was pretty confusing for the first month for me. I work full time and go to school full time so i didn't have a lot of time to spend on the site. but I'm happy to report that it's getting much easier now. Don't give up yet! I started but just making a blog for something that I really believe in. It's sort of practice. that way if it doesn't do anything it doesn't matter. it's fun. Now i'm working on actually making a page to sell something. I'm pretty excited about it. I hope this works for you too so you and your wife can really enjoy baja.
cathy150 Premium
i think i might have squidoo figured out :) yeah! now to find photo's and content!
cathy150 Premium
i am not able to post on the wa blog. i think my computer needs to be updated. anyhow... i started another blog. It's really the same one but i think i like the company better.
it is:
cathy150 Premium
I started my very first blog! Yeah! I may have a long way to go but I AM on my way there!!
anyone that wants to check it out and let me know what they think...please do. I haven't added any affiliates to it yet but I will in the next couple of days.
cathy150 Premium
still reading and studying. i now have a domain and a website. I am so green at this that i'm not even sure what the difference is between the two. I'm hoping to be able to get them up and running soon!