About Catnip777
Joined October 2008
I live in the UK, & am not completely new to IM, but have only just begun to take it seriously very recently. I put my first site up in 2006, followed by a few more over the next year or so - these were just hobby sites, and not promoted or optimised to make money, but they've generated a few affiliate sales and a tiny but steady trickle of Adsense income. That made me realise what fun it is to get passive income from the web, and motivated me to look into IM more seriously, so in late 2008 I decided to get focused and start making some real money. I found WA a while back, but finally decided to join after dithering for a few months, and am glad I did!


UPDATE - OCT 09 - I'm leaving WA for a few months - back next year!
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome! I like your kitty. I use to go to UK on business. Spent time in Devon, Cornwall and Stoke. Now, work hard and ask lots of questions. John
Marcus Premium
Hi Lorette and welcome to WA!

Glad to hear that you come to WA with a bit of experience...it will help you hit the ground running.

Also looking forward to seeing and helping you increase your income here at WA, and I look forward to reading all about it here on you Space.

All the best,

catnip777 Premium
Hi Marcus, thanks for the welcome & your help : )