My Second Week With WA

Last Update: May 28, 2011

Just coming to the end of week two as a WA student.  I'm amazed at how many people complain about 'too much information' ..   just go through the 30 day training and treat everything else like a reference library.  There is no such thing as too much information, it's how you approach it!

 I've learned a lot over the last couple of weeks and now have 5 blogs up with a few articles for each and trying to do at least 2 articles a day.  Reading thadbongs excellent tutorial really helped me.

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Treating it as a reference library is definitely the best approach. You can't go into a library and read every book in a week.
Treating it as a reference library is definitely the best approach. You can't go into a library and read every book in a week.
Treating it as a reference library is definitely the best approach. You can't go into a library and read every book in a week.