About CCMT
Joined November 2008
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Hi, CC! Click on my pic to reply. Welcome and work hard to succeed. That means lessons, tools, tutoring and a schedule. I like your pic. Can I add it to my collection? John
mccooougtd Premium
I am having a REAL NERVOUS BREAKDOWN attempting to learning how to may a DOLLAR as an Affiliate. I am not like AIG, I am for total bankrupt. I attempting to learn how to transfer Web Site into my program XSitePro2.
I have master the copy and paste; But there are other you can not do it without losing about 95%. Hep
CCMT Premium
My friends call me CC and I live in Montana. CCMT! I began my quest for online marketing information about three months ago. During that research time, I am not sure I could have defined what I was looking for but I tend to listen to my intuition and every time I thought I was ready to buy into some program, the little voice told me that it was not the right one. Then, one day, I received an e-mail asking me to click on a link to the WA program. I have provided start-up business coaching services for years and was surprised to see that Kyle and Carson have a designed a system that actually presents Online Marketing as a serious business, not a "get rich yesterday" scheme. I am excited to learn this new business system.