Posts by Cduane82 5
And the problem is that I don't know why.  I don't spin any content, everything that I submit to them is 100% original from my brain!  I don't know if I should laugh or be pissed that they suspended my account, does this mean that the 59 articles that I have submitted so far are gone?  I know it says that I can't submit anything else until this problem gets resolved, I just wonder what made them flag that one article?
December 27, 2010
Why is it that when it comes to keywords, I get all jammed up?  Okay, I get the concepts of article marketing, and relevance, but when it comes to finding keywords to write about it's like my mind goes blank, and I wish that this were not happening to me. I understand that a great keyword has less than 5,000 quoted results, and I have been great at finding keywords with  less than 100 quoted results, or even 0!  But the thing is, where will the traffic to my articles be coming fro
October 30, 2010
Have not blogged in a few days.... however, I am coming along well with the article marketing club.  This is exactly what I needed to get myself online and on track.  
October 25, 2010
It's day 3 and I have some more insight into what's needed to do efficient article marketing, as well as keyword research.  I will start the Article Marketing club in the morning as it starts today Oct. 26.  I think it will put me up on my feet! I have also created a schedule of sorts for this week's tasks, hopefully I can follow through.  Until next time, leggo!
October 24, 2010
It's day 2 for me, and I'm trying to set up my wordpress express site.  I'm having trouble following the instructions on adding my domain in Plexis (I think this is what it's called).  And I follow instructions extremely well, so I don't know where it is that I'm going wrong.  Either way I'm excited about hopping on the road ahead of me, I look forward to fulfilling my destiny.  I know that I have what it takes, I just need to connect the dots.  Let's conquer this wordpr
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