About Cesuccess
Joined May 2008
Hi...My name is Catherine or some friends call me Cat. I look forward to this fun new journey of creating a new level of success and new friends in the same process. Thanks!
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Michael Oksa Premium
Welcome to the WA Spaces Cat. It looks like you have been a member longer, but welcome nonetheless:)

Your comments about this being a fun new journey and a new level of success really hit home. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.

All the best,
Michael Oksa
Masteryoda Premium
Hi Cat
I have an unlimited supply of tickets to Breakthrough to Success to give away, and I am offering two free tickets to every WA member. All I ask in return is that you visit my profile, and see if my Big Huge Dream sounds like something you might be interested in. Whether you do that or not, whether you write back to me or not, the tickets, valued at $1790, are yours. Just go to this website: www.freeticketstobreakthroughtosuccess.blogspot.com
to find out all you need to know about the Breakthrough to Success seminars and claim your free tickets. I hope you do write back, becausee I am serious about uniting the WA community into one big family where we all teach and learn from each other, and grow as a group. I wish you success, and may the force be with you!
Masteryoda Premium
Hi Cat
Thanks for replying to my buddy mail. I've just started the process of using WA spaces to hopefully contact over a thousand people (because those are the kinds of numbers I will need to make my BHD work). Naturally, I won't have time to write to that many people every single day, but I hope you'll write to me every now and then when you have a success story to share, and I'll do the same for you. I won't forget any of the people I'm talking to now, and I look forward to the day I can reveal my BHD to every one of you and find out definitely if you want to be on board.
May the force be with you,
cesuccess Premium
Hi Masteryoda...Thanks for stopping by my space, for the tickets and for the info. I did visit your profile and enjoyed your positive energy. I have seen Powermall before but to be honest I didn't check into it very deeply. I will give it another look...and the other sites you shared on your profile as well. I do believe that everyone has something to offer everyone else and therefore love your attitude of community, family, and learning, growing and sharing together so I will definitely keep in touch and hope that you do the same.
Thanks again and I wish you much success in all that you do!
glowinggal Premium
Welcome to WA Cat! I wish you the best of success!
cesuccess Premium
Hi glowinggal...Love the name by the way. Thanks for the welcome. I wish you success as well. I am with you on being behind on reading. I have also traveled since joining WA (noticed the blog post). I brought info with me thinking it would be a great time to study and learn. It didn't work out that way and now I have to get caught up. I technically joined on the 5th, but just really got started on the 17th. Just taking a break to respond to everyone and send out a few welcomes. I have confidence that it will all work out in the end. I am very excited about this. Thanks again!
johnmozier2 Premium
Hi Cat, Just wanted to come by and say hi. I'm still pretty new myself, still finding my way around. Starting to enjoy this space aspect perhaps too much. Gonna have to break away soon and spend more time developing other skills but until then, passing out hellos..

See you around
johnmozier2 Premium
I saw that you added me to your buddies list. Thanks a lot. You were already on mine in case you didn't notice.

C U around
cesuccess Premium
Hi johnmozier2...I did notice. I am just getting caught up responding to messages and adding buddies, I guess I was going too fast and my computer got hung up and I had to restart. Anyhow it is nice to "meet" you. I really enjoyed your art and your positive energy. I can definitely relate to what you said in your profile about approaching things in a way that others see as backwards. I get that response a lot. Thanks for the welcome and I hope you find success here! Talk to you later...Cat
Carson Premium
cesuccess Premium
Hi Carson...Thank You for the welcome! I look forward to working (and learning) with you as well. I am very excited! Thanks for all that you and Kyle have done to create such a wonderful and friendly learning environment. I am impressed! Thanks Again!