So Mary... we meet again.

Last Update: June 11, 2010

As I sit here looking at the mountain of Internet Marketing training materials in front of me, and wondering if maybe I should have picked an easier profession (like quantum physics), I am reminded of Mary Poppins.

The scene when she first meets the children, after she unpacks, she tells them it's time to play a game called "well begun, is half done" (otherwise known as time to tidy the nursery). This leads in to the "Spoon Full of Sugar" song. 

In the five days since I joined Wealthy Affiliate I have been studying all things marketing. Article, PPC, Blog, and just about everything in between. Words like DMOZ, and Squidoo, that a week ago would have sounded like nonsense to me, are now starting to make sense.

So following Mary's advice, I guess the inevitable next step is to actually get started with something, somewhere. So that's what I'm going to do today. Hopefully by days end I'll be able to report some progress.

Wish me luck, (and watch out for strange women flying in on umbrellas). 

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jatdebeaune Premium
I found your post so funny because it is so true. My brother in law is a high powered executive head hunter. I like him a lot, but lets face it, he chews bullets for breakfast. Not all headhunters do chew bullets, but he's very tough. Put him in front of a computer without his secretary, haha, it's great! I'd love to make a video of it and show you guys. No way could he be in this business and yet he's brilliant. So, we shouldn't take each other or ourselves for granted. Ever. Keep on, it's worth it.
maureenhannan Premium
I love your post! Quite the apt analogy...and I also suspect quantum physics might be a more exact science some days when I reflect upon the mysteries of Google. I guess one other good Mary Poppins quote here would be, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down." Choosing how, when, and where you want to work certainly qualifies as a heaping teaspoon of sugar. Good luck! ~ Maureen