What Keeps You Motivated?

Last Update: July 10, 2010

For the last few weeks I've found that it has been quite a struggle for me to keep motivated and stay focused with my lessons at WA.  Being a full-time mom does have it's challenges and I have to schedule my lessons around being a mom, but I don't think it's that.  It's not that I don't want to do this because I am constantly thinking about how successful I am going to be once I "grasp" the wonderful world of internet marketing.  I know it's not the lessons at WA, because I think Kyle and Carson are brilliant at creating an easy format to learn an otherwise confusing business.  So why have I been so unmotivated?

Then the answer came from a very dear friend, (whom I just found out is pregnant, congratulations!) she said I had hit a plateau, just like with exercise.  Right then I felt she hit the nail on the head.  I am certainly guilty of having that "unmotivated" feeling with anything new in my life that requires discipline and/or self-motivation, so why should it be any different with Wealthy Affiliate.  Thankfully, it took one conversation with a close friend that knows me very well for me to open up my perspective about my own perceived laziness.  

She helped me to understand that it's okay to go through this because at the end of the day, after caring for a VERY active 2 year old I just want to rest my mind and stop thinking for awhile.  Let's not forget just resting for the sake of rest, LOL!  But, most importantly she told me not to be so hard on myself and that I will see this through until I am a success.  God I love that girl!  

I realized that I was consciously beating myself up because I was not meeting the personal deadlines that I had set for myself.  However, the goals I set were extremely ambitious especially for a single mom.  For now, I will have to take everything in stride and trust and believe that I will keep moving forward towards my new FLEXIBLE goals which will ultimately lead to my success. 

So for anyone who might be dealing with the same problem, don't throw the towel in yet.  Maybe all it takes is short break from your studies, like it was for me.  Whatever makes you excited again about your lessons at WA is definitely going to make learning a lot easier.  Create a new goals list, make a collage of pictures of all the things you are going to buy when you start making money, start acting as if you are a successful IM'er or talk to friends and family for that extra oomph and motivation.  For me, now it's the anticipation of learning how to build and market a great website.  I'm still a few lessons away from that section in the step by step action plan, but that is what's keeping me motivated to move forward.

 I would also like to add that while I have been away from WA, I really, really, really missed it here.  It almost feels silly to write that, but it's true.  I may not know anyone personally, but the community and support here is amazing. Truth be told I am a Facebook junkie and WA is socially very similar, but the education here is hands down #1.  I think I'm going to be a lifer here ;-)

"Make the best of where you are and do your best to line up your Energy from where you are, because any bit of struggle or any bit of regret only holds your cork under the water and doesn't allow you to connect with the Energy that would allow anything to improve."
--- Abraham


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jatdebeaune Premium
It's great to have friends who understand. My sister is that person to me. I think it's like climbing a mountain. Just keep climbing and when you need a break, find a plateau and rest, then continue the journey.
wildflower40 Premium
Chandra, I think that I experience this as well. This is a very insightful blog. Thank you, love the quote at the end!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for sharing your blog. It is natural to hit a plateau. Please continue on your journey as your busy schedule allows. That is a great quote on the end of your blog. As for what keeps me motivated, everything I do with marketing is to support the Arts, that is my passion. I went to college for music & marketing. I feel very blessed to work in my field. I have not worked a "job" in many years.