What Determination Can Achieve

Last Update: June 21, 2012
I just saw this on TV and it was so impressive that i wanted to share:

It is a single man who builds an entire Cathedral - All by himself! He is half done right now and it looks really nice...

Check out this unbelievable story here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/19/justo-martinez-trash-cathedral_n_810448.html#s225710
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jatdebeaune Premium
That is amazing. Wonder when he'll finish it. Also wonder if it will be used. I visited the Gaudi cathedral in Barcelona many years ago. People were working on it then, and I understand they are still working on it. Cathedrals take time and money. Interesting that this one is being built with trash materials.
Chill85 Premium
Yeah, its truly amazing. I think it will not be accepted by the official church - They mentioned something in the TV show about it, he gets no money from them at all at least. So i think they won´t accept... But if they not tear it down (he has no building permit), i think it will be visited often by tourists and he will use it by himself as church, maybe even preach - He was a monk once. Yes, its built out of trash and left overs from building companies, but it still looks awesome =D