About Chris001
Joined February 2009
I'm an assistant network administrator from good ol' The Pas, MB and have been at it for about two years now. I've got a great job with a decent pay and absolutely no certifications under my belt. Essentially I'm being held prisoner in my own hometown without any options available to move out. If I did, it would mean taking a pay cut and likely a position downgrade back to something like computer tech haha I'm done fighting spyware.

IM is going to be my ticket out. I first stumbled upon IM through Travis Sago's Bum marketing method and made my very first sale through his system. This was the first time I learned of Wealthy affiliate and signed up through one of his links. I later picked up on Potpiegirls one week marketing method and soon after dropped out of WA do to financial reasons just couldn't afford it and couldn't keep my attention on IM at that time. I'm hoping this time will be much different though. As I said, I don't want to be held prisoner in my own hometown because of money...lol

My reasons for doing this will be my motivation. Wanting to move from this small town in the middle of nowhere is one for sure. I'm an artist at heart and would love to have more time to put towards the things I'd rather be doing and mean more to me. The IT world is a cruel and frantically changing environment that you have to keep on top of. The learning never ends and the pay rates don't scale proportionately. There is always something new that everyone wants and your the one that has to support and implement it. I've wasted so many hours trying to solve small issues in the IT field that just aren't worth my time any more. lol I'm getting older damn it!

So here's to round two and better conditions than my first time around. I'm finally debt free, have more time on my hands and more money to throw in.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Chris001 Premium
Hey thank you, I'm here for the long haul :P Where's the party at? jk
KTB Premium
Hi Chris,
Welcome to WAU. There is a crap load of info on this site... more than I have been able to injest in the ten months I have been here. The thing about Squidoo is... your lens does not have to look perfect to work. You can generate large amounts of traffic with just your article content and a few pics. I would suggest that you look at ezinearticles.com as another area to post your articles (try to make them a little different that the ones you post on squidoo). I find that "Technical" solutions seem to do better on Squidoo and more personal/informational solutions work better on ezinearticles but that could just be my niche areas.

Well, I wish you all the best eh...

Kevin (KTB)
Chris001 Premium
Hey thanks a bunch for the heads up, I will definitely keep this in mind when I'm posting between the two sites.
Chris001 Premium
Well, it's week 5 into the course and I still haven't had much success. But I've learned alot. I must be developing A.D.D or something. I find one technique research the hell out of it, then another more appealing technique comes around, and I research it, and it's an endless cycle, so i've cut myself off from any further research this week (I'm sure I'm not the only one to have done this). I want success and success is the result of action, which has been severely lackin. I found a good niche, or one that interests me, and that I know a little about, registered a domain name today, and plan on hitting this niche hard as of tomorrow. Got my fingers crossed and gonna do alot of research.