1st Article Published!

Last Update: June 20, 2010

I posted my 1st article on articlesbase.com last night and I just received an email stating that they published it. I am excited!  I can't wait to try my hand at writing more articles now that I know getting them published isn't that hard. I'm not sure if I should write more articles promoting the same product or find a new product to write about...what do you guys think? By the way Happy Father's Day to all you dads and soon to be dads out there. I know I can't wait til my son is born...less than 2 months to go now.

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danielix Premium
Well Done Chris! You will have to write a lot of articles for each product. Try finding something you like to write about. It will be much easier. Keep on going!
Carrie Premium
Congratulations on the article and the new baby. Life is good, isn't it?
Jamie Smith Premium
Happy Father's Day to you also, and congrats on being published! In my opinion, you can continue to promote that niche in addition to other niches you are interested in.