Got through my first hurdle

Last Update: June 05, 2010

Well, I got through the assignment to send an e-mail about WA to friends and family. I really don't like trying to "sell" to friends and family, so this assignment was pretty tough for me. After a bit of thought and effort, though, I did manage to create an e-mail, inviting people to look at WA, that didn't sound like a sales pitch. I really do think that other people could benefit from WA, and it would be cool to have some people to partner with for affiliate marketing, so hopefully others will be interested and I'll get at least one referral. That would be really neat. I wonder how long the average person takes to decide from when they first hear of an opportunity until they commit? For me it often takes months of investigating and researching before I make a decision. Hopefully, not everyone will take that long to decide. Now I guess it's just a matter of waiting to see what happens and doing other stuff in the meantime so as not to get caught up in checking on stats every 5 minutes!

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Pavol Premium
The whole promotion of WA right after you join is something I am strictly avoiding for now. Not just to my friends and family, but generally. This place calls itself university, and as such, you simply cannot know how good the teachers and equipment are, until you spend some time in here. Until you get your first affiliate check, you do not really have anything to show to your friends. After you get your first check show it to them, and explain what it took to earn it and how WA helped you earn it. Until then you are only promising something, you yourself did not achieve yet.
cjdever_kanata Premium
Yes, I put my WA link in my e-mail signature, too. As for the 7 contacts, That's a good idea to promote to friends and family only after one has started making money. I'll have to remember that, although I did say in my e-mail that for anyone who was not interested, I would not pester them again about it. I also invited people to e-mail me if they wanted to wait and see how it went for me and I would e-mail them updates every so often. So far, I have had 3 unique clicks, yesterday, and nothing today, when I checked my stats on the affiliate program control panel. I don't think I'm going to worry too much about WA referrals, yet, until after I start getting some other successful affiliate campaigns going - then I will feel like I can truly speak from my own experiences. Although, it would be nice to have even one WA referral... Thanks for the comments and best wishes to you all, as well.
ana_nimoss Premium
I could not do that because I made a promise to my hubby that I will not let anyone know about this. I had some success in the past doing MLM but lost more money, and guess who lost a lot of money? My friends and family, so now, I think this is a great opportunity and nothing compared how much we spent on MLM, I have to keep my promise. My plan is to make a pretty good amount of money doing other things other than affiliate program, and once I prove that it is possible for real, then I will send tons of emails to everyone I know! Welcome and good luck to you.
DABK Premium
There have been studies done that say people take you seriously, i.e., buy on the 7th contact or later.
Kathy389 Premium
Hi, I'm Kathy and I felt the same as you. Selling to my friends and family is not where I want to be, but I added it into emails that I sent out this morning.
What I did do which was painless is that I set up a new signature on my emails saying that I was an active member of the WA community and included my affiliate link. Now all my emails will go out with that information. Good luck.