On to the next step!

Last Update: May 19, 2010

So I wrote and article. Yay me! I sent it to a couple of people to ask their opinion on it. It's pretty basic. I'm used to writing full papers (well I am still a student) and not articles. After I sent it i realized I'd left some stuff out that I wanted. So I added it in and realized that I didn't like the links. I want people to click on the name of a link and not the 3 line URL. That would look unprofessional and jsut silly.

So I added a post in the article marketing hoping somenoe can tell me where I need to go on this site or tell me what to do. Maybe even Squidoo would have something on it......When I go home tonight I need to write a 5 page paper on technological revolutions that have happened throughout history and how people handle them. Interesting right....uh no. So tomorrow morning if I can drag my bootie out of bed and to the computer at 4am I'll take a look and do more research on how to do proper links.



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