About Cnemat
Joined November 2008
Hello, and welcome to my profile. I'm the single mother of a recently turned two year old and am loving parenthood. I've seen Cars about 200 times (no exaggeration!) and we're now into Madagascar... :)

I have a great job and am pretty good at it. I make a decent salary but am ready for additional income! I believe that the more we make the more we spend, and so we're continually living beyond our means. No more!! I'm excited to become a WA Memeber and can't wait to get started living WITHIN my means. :)

For fun: Total movie buff!
Cnemat's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Hi, C! Welcome to the place to learn to earn. Your friend gave you good advice. So work hard and smart and ask questions. We are here! John
webxalpha Premium
That's great, good luck to you, and study hard. Any questions, there's me and an entire community here to help you. Welcome to WA
cnemat Premium
Hey. New to WA and eager to get started. I know that there's a lot to learn but I am a quick study and have a lot riding on my success.
cnemat Premium
Been out of touch lately. Glad to be back in the game!
ozzie.m.smith Premium
Well Good luck to you. Your child is beautiful by the way, what a great picture. You should frame or scapbook that. Wish you the best

cnemat Premium
Thank you for the warm welcome! I appreciate your comment about my son. I am actually an avid scrapper, so it's funny that you mentioned putting the picture in a scrapbook. Good luck and thanks for making me feel at home.