New BlogGuest Forum for Quality Backlinks & Unique Articles

Last Update: November 12, 2010

A while back I got a great tip from Justin from Site Fling on getting backlinks through being a blog guest on someone's blog. The problem is that finding people to be a blog guest for is tough. People just don't advertise requests for blog guests.

So my 'project wheels' went into motion once again and I thought it would be a great idea to have a forum dedicated to finding blog hosts and blog guests for either quality backlinks or unique articles.

Here is how it works:

For a Blog Guest you would make a post looking for people who need content. Then you would write a unique article for another blog who would then in return provide you with a backlink to your site.

For a Blog Host you would make a post looking for people who are looking to write articles. Then you would get unique content for your blog from a blogger which you would then reciprocate by providing them with a backlink to their blog.

To me it is a Win-Win concept. Blog Hosts get unique articles and Blog Guests get quality backlinks.

This is all user-driven which basically means you just post what you are looking for (get content or write content) and wait for responses to your request.

We all know that getting quality back links and content is getting tougher and tougher all the time. Everyone uses the same article sites to generate backlinks. This is a way to shake things up for your blog and stand out a bit.

The forum I started is

It is free to sign up and I also have some free eCourses and downloads and will be adding more as time goes on.

Things are a bit sparse right now since I am just getting it off the ground but feel free to jump in and post your requests.

You can check it out at

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