The Obsession Begins...

Last Update: January 08, 2010

I dreamed about IM last night.

I have been at my computer for five days straight putting in 10+ hours. My kids think I’m nuts, my husband is amused; the bird is just wondering why I am so fascinated with my laptop. On the night of the fourth day, something clicked.

Then I watched the motivational video interview by Tony Robbins of Frank Kern and John Reese. Then I attended one of Des199’s dimdim presentations. Awesome.  I am ready to conquer the internet world. I even printed out a copy of my dream house so I can look at it every day and make it happen.

Still new and learning. Not quite ready to hit the “doing” part of this IM stuff but I am chomping at the bit. I have more to learn still, but I am also a fan of “on the job training.” I am ready to fail, fail again, do a little bit better, and then grow.


Compass a.k.a Tiffanie


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Suzi Premium
I am with you Tiffanie. However, I have to insist on discipline for myself. Soon, I will be learning from you.