The Coming Of A Count

Last Update: September 28, 2009

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Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Wealthy Affiliate members, I bid you all Greetings, Peace and Prosperity. My name is Anthony. I come before you as a humbled novice to this new found forum.  Come to think of it not as a novice for an amateur has some idea of the subject, so I arrive here as being below a novice, I approach ignorant. 


Throughout my life’s experiences, I have failed more then succeeded, and these failures have been tremendous.  Despite these shortcomings there still lies a Caesar ambition to succeed, hence thus my reason for joining the Wealthy Affiliates Community.  My aspiration screams to create my own historical destiny instead of to the life of someone else’s.  In order to acquire this triumph, I must come in manner towards my new fellow W.A. members transparent and Naïve. Boldly put, I long for the path to my translation of success and would enjoy seeing the fruits of my own hard work and dedication. 


I come to all asking for help and guidance for I do believe in the phrase, “closed mouths do not get fed.” I look forward to the knowledge and wisdom from many within this community and hope as well as desire to create an imperial social network of allies.


Thank You

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Dearest Anthony,
I am also new in this society,like you am bit of doesn't know what to do, i believe if we will just support each other and share every experience we had, we will all succeed in this endeavor.You are in believing that there is help somewhere and all we have to do is ask. Thanks for the inspiration of speaking up for assistance. Hope to hear more of you soon, Enjoy your marketing. Good Luck and God Bless!!! Princess of Arabia