Jay's Webinar Advice

Last Update: June 02, 2012
Hello Everyone,

Okay so... I went to Jay's wabinar yesterday and as always it was a lot of fun and some good advice. I changed the theme of my WA website and I have already started building an email list.

Jay's advice yesterday was that our WA theme should set us apart from each other since there are quite a few of us building them. Well, Jay used different words of course but the message is the same :)

So I did just that and changed my theme. I like it better and obviously my targeted market which is people that are new to affiliate marketing like it too! I am so excited to see how I do from here out. I will let you know.

Also, if you want you can check out my website here: http://thebestaffiliatemarketingprogram.com/
and if you have more advice I will be glad to have that too :) One thing I have to do is learn how to change that little thing in the corner of the url to my own logo.

If you haven't made time to check out the wabinars here at Wealthy Affiliate, I strongly suggest you do, in fact, you should go on and watch yesterday's wabinar once it is posted!

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thevaz74 Premium
Thanks Stephanie. Am looking forward to watching this webinar.
Countrygirl47 Premium
You are welcome:)
Sielke Premium
I don't particularly like the theme but thats a personal preference (actually use the theme on a bunch of tv sites so it kind of throws me off). But one thing I would do that you can easily change is the author display, change it from admin to Steph.
Countrygirl47 Premium
Hello Sielke, thank you for your thoughts and I will change the admin to my name :)
Apina Premium
By "the little thing in the conrer" do you mean the favicon, a small icon? If so check this out http://www.apinapress.com/wordpress-how-to-change-favicon/
thevaz74 Premium
Thanks so much Dean! I keep wanting to tackle that but didn't know what that icon was called. :)
Countrygirl47 Premium
Yes this is what I mean. I tried to do it before but I went to a free site and so it did not work for me. I will check out the address you left for me. Thank you sooo much:)
kamali Premium
Have you made any sales from WA? I went to your website, clicked your WA link but your WA affiliate id does not show up in the address bar.

I thought WA had made a change to cloak the affiliate ID but the ID still shows up when I use my affiliate link.

I also checked the WA link of another member on here and their affiliate ID shows up also.

You might want to look into correcting that.

your link to the wealthy affiliate webpage should look something like this

http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/index/a_aid/youraffid where "youraffid" will be your personal affiliate ID.

I am guessing you just entered


If you want to earn commissions from membership sales you need to add your ID.
Countrygirl47 Premium
Hi Kamali, It seems to be okay but I will check that out. Thank you so much:)