About Cricketwc
Joined March 2015
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Minakshis Premium
littles Premium
Hey Cricket, welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/I just wanted to pop by and say hello, I know that joining WA is one of your best decisions ever. We are a friendly, helpful and honest community that thrives on member success here. I want to assure you that if you ever need a hand with anything as you move forward, you are "family" now and you can feel free to ask questions. As a new member, you are going to want to head to the Get Started Here training. This is a video/task based course that will walk you through how Wealthy Affiliate works and the process of building your own successful business online...the proper way. No experience necessary!Here is the link that you will see within your main menu labeled "Get Started Here".https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/online-entrepreneur-certification-getting-started-level-1That's all for now Cricket, thought I would just introduce myself and if you have any questions going forward, please do no hesitate me know. :) https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/online-entrepreneur-certification-getting-started-level-1Your friend,Littles