People Helping People

Last Update: July 28, 2010

I have been quoting people helping people for 40 years. I do think if we help others we will be helped. If we have anything that might help others we should share it.

I noticed for the last year and two months, that many folks have given every kind of free information you can think of, that may help others be successful. I think this is great, if people do get help.

How I came into this world of online marketing was because I keep hearing or seeing these T.V. adds about making money online. It was 10 years ago and I lost  many $$$ trying to learn how it all worked. Now, I am not complaining, because it was some of the best R&D $$$ I ever spent. I could afford it then.Well, I gave up for a long time until I needed to find a way to work from home, because of my wife's and my mother's health.

So, I decided to get a laptop and google how to make money online and I was so lucky. On the first page of google I saw a name potpiegirl. who seemed to know how to get started for free. So, I did click on her and found a way to get started one year and two months ago. I have not had the success that I would have liked, but I have learned a lot here and from others.

Potpiegirl led me to her free way and WA. I have not even tried to sell her products yet, but I hope to soon. She also led me to a great coach who goes by the name makers-n-seven here at WA. He has been a big help to me. There has been many here at WA that have helped me as well. 

Okay, I found something I can give away and it is a free website with free training. If anyone wants a great site to promote, you will love this one. If you go here to and look at the right side at the bottom you can get your free site and training. Now many of you will not need training to make it work.

Well, this is the first information that I have been able to give away, that I thought was really free to get started and believe it can help all who work the site.

Good luck and your hard work is your luck.


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