About Cueball416
Joined September 2010
My name is Bob. I currently live in Allen, Texas which is 20 - 25 miles north of Dallas. Before the question is asked.............indeed I am a big fan of America's favorite football team, the Dallas Cowboys. I was once a football player myself as you might suspect from seeing my size in my profile pic.

Prior to moving to the Dallas area in December 2006, I lived and worked in Surabaya, Indonesia for 10 years.

I am presently the single parent of a six year old son who happens to share the same birth date with me........how's that for effective planning (smile) ! I also have two grown daughters, one of which has made me a grandfather twice.

Born in the Bronx (NY), I graduated from Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn and then A&T State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. After finishing college I worked in the International Research & Development Division of a Fortune 500 corporation. I consider myself to have been blessed to have had the opportunity to have seen and extensively experienced the world as a result of my employment.

When time and parental responsibilities permit, I enjoy golf, fishing, reading, martial arts, staying fit (exercising), and music to name a few of my varied and numerous interests.

Since I have been back in the USA, a considerable amount of time has been spent gnashing my teeth as I have been trying to learn how to be a successful internet marketer. The journey through the maze of Internet scam artists that are out here has been frustrating and costly to say the least.

My mantras in life have always been.........."Quitters never win, winners never quit" along with "where there is a will, there is always and definitely a way".

Despite the bad experiences of the past, I have remained steadfast in my interest, enthusiasm, and commitment to learn how to become a successful internet marketer. I have the will, and I am now very happy to have found Wealthy Affiliate to show me the way to MAKE IT HAPPEN !

Happy to Be Here !

Cueball416's Accomplishments

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cueball416 Premium
Sama-sama, I look forward to being your buddy here at WA also ! All The Best.........Bob
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Bob, thank you for the buddy invite. I look forward to getting to know you here. All the best.
wisebunny Premium
Thanks buddy!
cueball416 Premium
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
cueball416 Premium
Thanks ! I am happy to finally have found what I have been desperately looking for !