Have a good laugh but Don't Do This!

Last Update: May 15, 2010

Someone spun one of my articles (actually, only the first half).  What they got is amusing as hell.  Here it is:


Also greatly reduced post-smoking-cessation weight gain. Toned Body – How to Stop Losing 2 Lbs One Week Only to G?in it Back the Next Week It i? re?dy to b? some controlled exercises and in a medicine which probab?y won’t happen for kids a?d controlled exercises and the horizon – which will be transient.For pa?ien?s who had metabolic syndrome, and maybe you ca? forget about 20 mg per day 15. Buy Rimonabant discount comes now with the old-fashioned methods for ?he rate of those takíng 20 mg rimonabant – li?erally millions of extra food. It is ?he n?mber of treatment, patients who quit smoking for adult persons too to find it is ready ?o be getting a natural system that you should make some re?ative?y common side effec?s w?r? favorable. After 1 y?ar of th? need of extra food. Generally mo?t people are food? and thus there is the weight you m?ny opportunities to find all around us there i? r?cogniz?d.

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Mariana Premium
That is really funny:)
reefswimmer Premium
how funny this is ! I especially like "generally most people are food".
Slugger_mn Premium
Wow... This is silly.. What a lazy lazy gum drop..
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh my!
Louise M. Premium
hilarious! wow.