Hello WA world

Last Update: March 22, 2011

 Howdy WA'ers.  Hope everyone is having a great evening.  I'm sitting here doing my homework.  Researching keywords.  Has anyone had trouble logging onto their new email that you set up on day 2?  I keep getting a err login message..very frustrating.  I'm hoping to hear from Kyle soon.  

Things here are awesome.  I work 10 hour days and then come home and work on this for hours.  I'm having fun though.  I sure wish I was born with that computer gene.  Sadly, I was not.  I'm hoping to get outside and enjoy some of this awesome weather around western nc.  

So tell me some things about you.  How long have you been doing IM and what kind of success have you enjoyed?  I look forward to hearing from you.



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Nirnaeth Premium
Wow, you do a lot of work! Even after such a long day at work. That's awesome :)
I've been doing IM since December 2010 and have made 2 sales so far (through squidoo lenses). I still hope it wasn't a fluke and that things will start to pick up once I have my own website up ^.^ Trying to work on that now, but I'm stuck writing content. Meh.
Hope you can resolve the e-mail issue, sounds really frustrating. Have a great day! :)
chunkynonkey Premium
hello- d you are a real go- getter! with your guts an drive i have faith in your success, this is whats especially nice about w.a. family- fellow member bill