Posts by Dave250783 2
March 22, 2010
hi everyone, i have been here a couple of months almost and i just cant seem to take action. i have been learning a massive amount about IM already especially in the article marketing but this is where the problem comes in. I JUST CANT GET GOING ON MY FIRST PROJECT! i sit down at my PC every day and just draw a blank. everything i know about seems to have a high amount of competition with well established websites. should i start a website?, should i just make a load of random articl
February 22, 2010
Hi everyone, I have been here for a few weeks now and i have been learning so much, however, i have been skipping all over the place trying to take in loads of information. When i first got here i did the introduction action plan, but i think i may have rushed it. with that in mind i decided to to go back and do it again slowly. I have found that the new action plan is structured much better and i am able to understand the concepts much easier than the first time around. Something i think t