About DavesGreenGuitar
Joined September 2009
Hi! My name's Dave. I'm 31 years old. I'm currently going to school for website development. Here's a few things about me: I play guitar and I'm also a private guitar instructor, I love designing websites, I hike, camp, and mountain-bike, I collect things such as pint glasses, rocks, feathers, guitar picks, and stamps. Oh yeah, and I can juggle.
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to the Place to Learn to Earn!Those who stick around here long enough do just that. WA members have earned over $100 million according to Carson. John
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Dave: How are you man? Are you a fire-eater as well? LOL! This is the right place to learn everything about IM so you need to start your program @ once. Did you begin your 8 week action plan? Any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA!