The Worlds Most Refreshing Blog Post...

Last Update: August 16, 2010

A while back I was driving with the radio on when a commercial came on for Coors Lite, it seems, Coors is now calling their lite beer “The Worlds Most Refreshing Beer”.

Now, I thought about this for a minute... I’ve been drinking beer for a lot of years – (Close to 30 in fact – God I’m getting old). Anyway, Beer has gotten me Punched a few times, Slapped quite a few times, beer has caused me to say and do lot’s stupid of things that I wouldn’t ordinarily say or do. But, I can’t think of a single time when Beer actually refreshed me.

So anyway, I just finished reading Mark Joyner’s “The Irresistible Offer”. In it M.J. talks about being the first in your customers mind and if you can’t be the first in your category ...Make one up!

Obviously this is what Coors is doing. They’re a middle of the road American beer. They can’t compete with the Green bottles. So they start announcing to the world that they’re “The Worlds Most Refreshing Beer”. We hear it enough times and we believe it!

This is a lot like Budweiser. A few years ago Bud started putting the “Born on” date on all their cans and bottles. They were bragging about how “fresh” their beer is. Now the last time I checked beer isn’t supposed to be all that fresh. In fact, beer should be aged. Hey, in the ‘70’s Bud was “Beachwood Aged” –what happened to that? So anyway, a few months after their campaign started AA was filling up with members complaining that the beer they drank on their last bender wasn’t fresh enough.

The point of all this is, whether it’s a radio commercial, newspaper ad or yes even a blog post. If you say something enough times, people will start to believe that what you’re telling them is absolutely true. And the more times you say it, the more people will start to believe it. After hearing it (whatever it is) enough times, it will start to sink in to even the most critical opponents.

So Is Coors Lite really the world’s most Refreshing Beer? I’m not sure, but one thing I am sure of... This is definitely the World’s Most Refreshing Blog Post!

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emarrufo Premium
Yes, it is and about Coors Lite well I like regular Coors better now for about a year now don't know why. The blog? Now that I say it a couple of times it really is "The World's Most Refreshing Blog Post" Thank you for sharing it with us.

maureenhannan Premium
I like the concept. "The World's Most Refreshing Blog Post." Every day something that is utterly refreshing to read along with that cup of green tea at 2 p.m. And while you're at it, you could dedicate some posts to the World's Most Refreshing Products. (Except I guess that puts you in kind of an Oprah mode, doesn't it?)
reefswimmer Premium
You could rock with this one, by holding a contest for The World's Most Refreshing Blog Post...imprint the phrase right up front in people's mind's eye, with no single agreed-upon meaning for the phrase at all. It just sounds so good. Could I say it sounds so refreshing???
Diane, reefswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Yup, people accept what you tell them if you tell them with conviction. You build some hype, and off you go.You can do it with anything.