About Dazman
Joined February 2010
Hi Everyone,
My name is Dazman, i live in the UK, and i am brand new to the world of Internet Marketing, just like alot of people on here.
I have been searching online for a genuine way to make money for a few months now, and finally came across WA a week ago. I can truly say that as soon as i saw how WA was set up to help you become an internet marketer, i knew that i had to give this a go and see what happens.
I am also new to creating a profile like this one as i am not even on Facebook..crazy huh?!
So you could say that this will be my 1st attempt at meeting new friends online in a community that i am sure will be willing to lend a helping hand if i need it along the way, and can feel that they can ask me for help also.
So if you would like to say hi, then please do, i would like to hear from you!
Thanks for checking my profile out, and good luck with building your online business empire!!
Dazman's Accomplishments

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Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Dazman, welcome to WA! If you need help just ask. We are now buddied up :)
Dazman Premium
Hi Ezinewriter, thanks for adding me as your buddy. I look forward to checking out some of your tutorials!
Mohamad Premium
Welcome here Dazman, good luck buddy !
Mohamad Premium
Ur welcome my friend ! keep in touch. BTW how did u find WA ?
Dazman Premium
Hey Mohamed! Thanks for the welcome and we are now buddies.
klrrider Premium
Hi Dazman... Welcome to WA and glad to have you as a buddy! Do good!
Dazman Premium
Hey KLRider. Thanks for adding me as your buddy!
Damir Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate Dazman! I wich you a lot of success.

Dazman Premium
Hi Damir. Thanks for the welcome. We are now buddies! Also wishing you success.
JMcGee Premium
Welcome to WA Dazman, I'm James
JMcGee Premium
Understand totally, its cool. I've only been here a week myself....
Dazman Premium
Hi James, i just sent you a message saying thanks for adding me as a buddy. I just joined a week ago, and am still checking this site out getting the hang of my WA Space! Thanks again.
Dazman Premium
Hi JMcGee. Thanks for the reply. Wishing you all the best!