The Art of Quick Articles for Newbies

Last Update: May 17, 2010

First,  I would like to apologize for not being an active participant in the WA group.  I've been a member for 2 years but have been working on my I-marketing business and have not spent a lot of time contributing to the success of others.  I'm not much of joiner.  

But for the newcomers, I'd like to give a quick tidbit on how to quickly and effectively write an article.  Many people stop article writing because they feel that the work involved is too cumbersome and grueling.  We get advice telling us to write 10 articles a day and if you are not much of a writer, this can be overwhelming.  I am a great writer (if I say so myself) and it was overwhelming for me.  I found the whole process extremely discouraging.  

I had to find a way to crank out a high number of articles without much effort.  I've now got a system in place where I can write one article every ten to fifteen minutes.   Internet marketing, like any marketing and sales, is a numbers game.

If you want to be in the article marketing business you need to consider using voice recognition.  If you're going to try to pound away at the keyboard and think of the article content at the same time you will find yourself  spending day after day writing articles on one campaign.  And you will burn out.  And since most new article marketing folks have no money to invest in the beginning you are best off using free or very cheap voice recognition programs. I've used dictation devices and VR my whole career, but when I needed to get it on my own I actually got my first voice recognition program free from CNET. It's called e-speaking .  I then bought an expensive software and still use the free stuff as it is easier and more accurate!!  The benefit of the more expense software is you can use a hand held micro and download for translation, so I use them both.   I also bought a $14.00 head set /mic .  Make sure whatever headset/mic you're using has an in-line mute button so if you need to stop dictation you can quickly stop it and start it.  

Here's how I've made it work. I take the first five minutes of writing an article to give myself five bullets of what I want to set .  You sketch out what you're saying in the article;  whether  you're trying to fix something, trying to help something, solve a problem.  Whatever your sales proposition is.  You then take these little scraps of paper with those  five little bullets and you begin dictating  with a normal pace and a free flow of consciousness.  You can dictate approximately 400 words in a five minute period of time at a slow pace and with a few interruptions.  

I then take the next five minutes cleaning up .  Make sure your punctuation is correct, make sure the flow of thoughts are correct and make sure your point is being made, just like if were typing. 

I then use the first article on any subject to write my next set of fifteen to twenty articles by rewording, reworking and rethinking.  I do the exact same thing for each article:  5 points on a scrap of paper first, then dictation flow.    Most of the time I'll do the 20+ article thoughts on scraps first, dictate 20 articles, then dictate 30-40 one paragraph blog posts.  

Yes, I also use the mic and e-speaking to dictate all of my blog posts and follow-up notations .  This gives me the ability to write all articles for an entire campaign in one day .  I don't release them all on one day, but I can get them all written so I can move on to the next actions. 

I actually dictated this blog post directly into the blog using this method and it took me approximately two minutes for a 588 word blog post at the end of the previous paragraph.  You can dictate directly into blogger, wordpress, ezine, etc.  I actually use Word so I have a copy of  everything and I can keep track of the number of articles, posts, etc. for each campaign.  I dictate into Squidoo moducles as well using the same 5 bullet technique.

 I hope this helps anyone thinking the process of  writing the articles is too difficult, making article marketing an impossible feat .  It's easy, it's fast and it's extremely effective.  I guarantee if you stay focused and get disciplined with this you can be very effective and actually make some decent money doing this.

Good luck and good marketing!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Interesting idea to try. Seems to work out great for you. Thank you for sharing it.
Jamie Smith Premium
thanks for sharing this blog
lgarcia1205 Premium
wow. thanks for the advice